The track to Treaty in Victoria - structures, process and progress

In 2022, legislation to establish an Indigenous Treaty Authority was passed in Victoria. But what is the impact of the structures behind the treaty process, and the path to broader national reconciliation?

Jan 1, 2022
Jan 1, 2022
2:30 pm
3:30 pm

In 2022, legislation to establish an Indigenous Treaty Authority was passed in Victoria. But what is the impact of the structures behind the treaty process, and the path to broader national reconciliation?

Watch the 2022 Law and You Forum where we brought together a panel of experts to explore the process and progress of reconciliation in Victoria including different elements of the pathway to Victorian treaty.

Event information


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Elly Patira
Deputy Secretary, First Peoples – State Relations with the Department of Premier and Cabinet
Victorian Government
Victorian Government
Eddie Cubillo
Associate Dean & Senior Research Fellow (Indigenous Programs), University of Melbourne
Dr Aunty Carolyn Briggs AM
Member of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria
Sue-Anne Hunter
Deputy Chair and Commissioner
Yoorrook Justice Commission
Yoorrook Justice Commission

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