Everyday Legal Grant
Support to address community legal need or improve understanding of the justice system.
Improving community legal information and education
Everyday Legal Grants offer up to $10,000 to support civil legal projects helping community organisations develop legal information or legal education programs.
Everyday Legal Grants can fund civil legal information and education projects that:
- address a civil legal issue for a specific community
- develop new approaches to community legal education
- deliver legal information or help to navigate the Victorian justice system.
Eligible organisations
Applications are open to:
- community legal centres
- community organisations with an internal legal service
- community organisations in partnership with a legal service.
Project types
Projects likely to be funded involve:
- one-off projects that address a legal issue fora specific community, such as development of a resource, tool or series of workshops.
- pilot projects that offer new approaches to delivering legal information
- trialling a strategy to gain further insights in the delivery of legal information in a new way that could be replicated in other programs or services.
Grant criteria
In addition to meeting the object of Victoria Law Foundation and our grant aims, applications are assessed on the following:
- Legal topic or access to justice issue
- Project delivery and how it meets the needs of the audience
- Outcomes for the intended audience
Application Timeline
Everyday Legal Grants open 1 July 2024 until funding has been fully allocated.
We prioritise submissions from community legal organisations and other not-for-profit community organisations in partnership with a legal organisation.
Non-legal organisations are required to partner with an organisation with suitable legal expertise to ensure accurate legal information is provided to the intended audience.
We encourage partnerships between research organisations, courts, tribunals, statutory bodies and other community organisations to share knowledge, resources, provide guidance and expertise where there is shared interest.
We only fund organisations – individuals are not able to apply.
We focus on civil law and access to justice issues. We will consider work at the intersection of civil and criminal law, but we do not fund work exclusively on criminal law.
Preparing your application
If you are interested in applying for a grant, we offer a range of guidance supports and resources to help.
- Discuss your proposal with the Grants Manager.
- Ensure your proposal meets the grant criteria.
- Read the information about developing your proposal.
- Use our Smarty Grants form to submit an application.
Contact our Grants Manager
We recommend that you contact the Grants Manager before to submitting your application.
Discussing your project is the best way to ensure your application meets the grants criteria and to confirm there are sufficient funds available.
More information
Subscribe to our Grants newsletter to receive information about future grant opportunities.
Related Resources
Keep up with the latest
Case studies
Learn more about some of the projects funded by our grants.
Following the shift to routine digital engagement when applying to the court for family violence intervention orders, this partnership project between Northern Community Legal Centre and the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights will unpack the range of process issues and barriers to participation faced by culturally and linguistically diverse women within Melbourne’s North-West.

Delivery of community legal education to help culturally and linguistically diverse young people increase their literacy on family violence issues and shift attitudes that allow it to occur.

Projects we've funded
A tool to support bicultural workers, paralegals, and administration staff in identifying and triaging legal inquiries.
Digital educational resource to increase secondary school students’ literacy on common youth law issues to make learning about the law fun and engaging using relatable stories.
Improving course materials and exploring how to best collaborate with past participants through volunteering. Focusing on women with experience of family violence and disadvantage, as well as First Nations women, women from CALD backgrounds and recent arrivals.
Funding for interpreters and translators at the Citizenship Clinic, providing legal advice and assistance to vulnerable permanent residents to apply to become Australian citizens.
Provide legal assistance, support and information for Self-Represented Litigants involved in intervention orders in Melbourne and Geelong.
Community legal education resources for fines and infringements that use game play as an informative and engaging medium for building the legal capacity of legal and non-legal practitioners in community service organisations.
Provide advice and assistance to young workers in casual employment to apply to convert to ongoing employment under the new changes in the Closing Loopholes legislation.
Two resources for migrant and refugee women facing coercive control (CC) including translation into 12 languages. One to assist professionals, and one to help women recognise and seek support.
Latest grant news
Our 2024/25 Major Grant recipients came together to share their advice and tips as they begin their funded projects.

Six organisations will receive grants for a range of legal projects to improve the delivery of legal services that meet the needs of Victorians.

Five organisations will receive Grants to improve Victorians’ access to legal information and services.

Better understand and respond to legal need
Funding and support for new community legal initiatives to support better justice.