Our Education Program is expanding

It’s been an exciting couple of months for our Education Program. We’re pleased to share all the latest developments with you

Thursday, July 30, 2015

We’ve expanded our Metropolitan Law Talks program

We’re always looking for new ways to deliver legal information to Legal Studies students in a fun and interactive way.

Following the success of Metropolitan Law Talks held during Law Week in 2014 and 2015, we have now expanded our program to include an additional Metropolitan Law Talks event.

Held last Friday, in partnership with the RMIT Centre for Innovative Justice and the National Trust of Victoria, more than 130 VCE Legal Studies students were inspired by a range of speakers, including Victoria’s former Attorney-General Rob Hulls. Hulls shared his journey from law student to Attorney-General.

Through the connection with National Trust of Victoria, students also took part in a mock trial at the Old Magistrates’ Court. A retired magistrate, Clive Aslop, made the special trip down from Gippsland to be the judge, and students acted out a variety of different legal roles. The Old Magistrates’ Court provided the perfect backdrop to the event, adding a sense of drama and occasion to the afternoon. Find out more about Metropolitan Law Talks.

Upcoming Law Talks Intensive in Mildura

More than 200 VCE Legal Studies students from Mildura and surrounding regions will mingle with experts from Victoria’s legal sector at our upcoming Law Talks Intensive to be held in Mildura from 26–27 August 2015. Law Talks Intensive is an interactive, two-day program that aims to help students better understand topics covered by the Legal Studies curriculum, and to take a lifelong interest in the law.

County Court of Victoria and judges on circuit

Our Education Manager, Fabiola Superina, recently met with Her Honour Judge Hannan from the County Court of Victoria. Judge Hannan is keen in developing a way for County Court judges to get involved in our Classroom Law Talks program when they are on circuit. Judge Hannan was particularly interested in educating students about culpable driving and the dangers of young people using mobile phones. Find out more about Classroom Law Talks.

More information

For more information about our school programs, contact our Education Manager, Fabiola Superina, on (03) 9604 8100.

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A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available

The third report from the Public Understanding of Law Survey explores how attitudes, skills and confidence matter in satisfactorily resolving justiciable issues.