In Conversation

Hear some of Victoria’s most interesting public legal figures discuss hot-button issues in our annual Conversations.

What are the Conversations?

Every year until 2019 we invited a leading legal mind to discuss critical issues facing our justice system for the VLF Law Oration.

In 2022, we revised this model, and it became a conversation - exploring current matters, but also getting the speaker’s perspectives and experience in the law

The Conversations offer Victorians an insight into the critical issues and the people who lead our justice system. You can subscribe to our newsletter to hear about for future public events and booking details.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events scheduled

Past events

Catch up on recording and resources from previous events.

Fairness, integrity, and respect for human rights. These are the values of the Ombudsman - a critical check in our system ensuring accountability for government action.


Catch-up on our informal discussion with Chief Justice Ferguson reflecting on her experiences, priorities and thoughts on the future.


Justice Maxwell began the Oration with a quote from Jiminy Cricket, ‘Let your conscience be your guide’. From here he investigated the concept of unconscionable conduct – how it is understood in law and what its implications are for judges, lawyers and the business world. His aim is to highlight the implications of our continued use of this powerful but elusive concept of good conscience.


Sentencing and related issues frequently make news headlines and can be politically controversial. In particular there is often a perception that some sentences handed down by judges are lenient and are not representative of community views.


Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.