Join some of Victoria’s key legal minds and meet with people from across the sector.

Victorian Law Week makes learning about the law easy.

Free webinars to learn skills to produce more accessible legal information.

Seminars and presentations for VCE Legal Studies and Civics & Citizenship students.
Victoria’s public legal figures share their experiences and discuss hot-button issues.

Connect with the justice sector to understand more about the law and legal help.

A panel of experts discuss hot-topic legal issues.

Training to help legal professionals in Victoria better connect with the public.

Upcoming events
Previous events
Catch up on the recording and resources of previous events.
Learn how Fix it Fridays at Whittlesea Community House successfully helps to build legal capability and connect people to services, when they need it most.

Master your communication by embracing plain language!

Learn how Westjustice enhanced their approach to deliver legal information to young people via Instagram.

Join us for an eye-opening exploration as we go on the record with the Victorian Information Commissioner Sean Morrison.

Better justice through research, education and grants
We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.