Victorian Law Week 2024
Learn about the law in your life
Many of life's problems can have legal answers
Whether your problem is big or small, once in a lifetime or every day, learn how the law can help.
Discover how the law affects your life, find answers to your legal questions, meet the people who resolve your disputes and enforce our laws.
The program includes free legal advice and information, topical panel discussions, interviews with prominent people, legal workshops and much more.
Visit the Victorian Law Week website
Who can attend?
Everybody! You can find the legal information you need and attend Victorian Law Week events from the comfort of your home, with webinars, on demand videos, phone consultations and much more.
How much does it cost?
Each event is different, but the majority of events are free. Check the program for details on each event.
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A space to discuss how we can better meet legal need and build legal capability.

At this special Victoria Law Week event, expert panellists will answer these pressing questions and discuss the future responsibilities of the legal and public sectors during times of crisis.

A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available
The third report from the Public Understanding of Law Survey explores how attitudes, skills and confidence matter in satisfactorily resolving justiciable issues.