Route from 66: A Call to Action
A space to discuss how we can better meet legal need and build legal capability.
Did you know our recent research found 66% of problems with a legal aspect weren’t recognised as such by respondents? That 78% of legal need goes unmet? And only 8% of Victorians qualify for free legal services?
Prompted by findings from the VLF's Public Understanding of Law Survey, this event provided an opportunity for justice professionals to reconsider the needs and capabilities of the people we serve.
The PULS research gives us the evidence to push for change and take a systemic approach to improving access to justice for Victorians.
This session provided stimulus, inspiration and validation, and offered a space to discuss how we can make change to better meet legal need and build legal capability in the community.

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Related events

At this special Victoria Law Week event, expert panellists will answer these pressing questions and discuss the future responsibilities of the legal and public sectors during times of crisis.

A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available
The third report from the Public Understanding of Law Survey explores how attitudes, skills and confidence matter in satisfactorily resolving justiciable issues.