Emergencies & disasters! What is the role of legal and public sector agencies?

At this special Victoria Law Week event, expert panellists will answer these pressing questions and discuss the future responsibilities of the legal and public sectors during times of crisis.

May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
10:30 am
11:30 am

In three years, the Victorian community has experienced floods, fires, and the COVID-19 pandemic. What have public centre agencies done well during this period? What have they learned from responding to emergencies, handling complaints, and service response? What practices should be carried forward?


Deborah Glass

Deborah Glass is the Victorian Ombudsman, the first woman to serve in this role, starting in March 2014. She prioritizes fair and reasonable decision-making, public administration improvements, and the advancement of human rights and public sector integrity.

Jennifer Beveridge 

Jennifer Beveridge has been CEO of Tenants Victoria since June 2019. Her leadership experience in not-for-profit organisations spans 25 years, centred on community needs. Before Tenants Victoria, she was CEO of Eating Disorders Victoria, and has also worked in health and youth services.

Sharon Keith

Sharon Keith manages Disaster Legal Help Victoria, connecting people with support for their legal problems before and after disasters. She helps lead the strategic vision of the partnership of legal bodies, including the Federation of Community Legal Centres, Justice Connect, and Victoria Legal Aid.

Gillian Wilks

Gillian Wilks has been CEO of Social Security Rights Victoria since 2017. Her previous roles include Deputy CEO at Peninsula Community Legal Centre, leadership at the Federation of Community Legal Centres, and community legal education work/volunteer coordinator.


John Richardson, Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience.

Event information


Lynne Haultain
Executive Director
Victoria Law Foundation
Victoria Law Foundation


Deborah Glass
Victorian Ombudsman
Victorian Ombudsman
Victorian Ombudsman
Jennifer Beveridge
Tenants Victoria
Tenants Victoria
Sharon Keith
Program Manager
Disaster Legal Help Victoria
Disaster Legal Help Victoria
Gillian Wilks
Social Security Rights Victoria
Social Security Rights Victoria
John Richardson
Manager – Knowledge Development
Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience
Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

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