• Learning aim 1: know and understand the rights victims have when giving evidence in a criminal trial, including: the right to give evidence using alternative arrangements, the right to be informed about the proceedings, and the right to be informed of the likely release date of the offender
• Learning aim 2: understanding of a plea negotiation- when they are used and their appropriateness in the context of the principles of justice
• Learning aim 3: understanding and knowledge of the roles of key personnel in a criminal case.
David Thomson OAM, FACE read Arts and Law at Monash University and the University of Cambridge, served as an officer in the Royal Australian Air Force during the Vietnam War and became a teacher, pioneering the teaching of Legal Studies in secondary schools. In his own words, he has had several decades of experience in telling people to stop talking. David is Teacher-in-Residence at the Victoria Law Foundation and a Fellow of the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre at Victoria University.
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