Victoria Law Foundation 2021-22 Annual Report now available
As we come to the end of the year, we are pleased to share our 2021-22 Annual Report.

While it covers a period from what feels like some time ago now, it is a great opportunity to reflect on our impact in supporting better justice.
We work with teenagers and judges, data nerds and CEOs (sometimes one and the same!), frontline lawyers, researchers and so many other people to help deliver better justice for all Victorians.
The Research team continued to investigate how Victorians engage with their civil law and work closely with the sector to improve access to justice. Through this work, including our flagship project, the Public Understanding of Law Survey, we are building a picture of the everyday legal needs and experience of Victorians. This then opens the way to better policy and legal services. Sharing the work is vital too - we’re connected with many agencies at many levels and committed to open science with our data.
Over the last couple of years, we have reoriented the grants program to focus on building capacity in the justice sector, particularly around the use and application of data, as well as continuing to support community organisations to help Victorians navigate the legal system and respond to legal need in the community. In the period 29 new projects were funded.
Our engagement with the legal profession, community sector and the public is as important as it ever has been. We worked with a broad range of organisations to make learning about the law lively and engaging. Our events are an effective way to reach a cross-section of the community with information about rights, responsibilities, and our legal system. 158 organisations across the state presented 194 Law Week activities, and we continued to expand the geographic and demographic reach of events.
While there is always more to be done, it’s always valuable to reflect on the achievements thus far, and I’m immensely proud of all our small team does.
Thank you for your support.
Victoria Law Foundation 2021-22 Annual Report
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A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available
The third report from the Public Understanding of Law Survey explores how attitudes, skills and confidence matter in satisfactorily resolving justiciable issues.