Join the Victorian Bar Community Choir

Join the Victorian Bar Community Choir, an initiative of the Victorian Bar Association's Health and Wellbeing Committee.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Founded in spring 2013, the Victorian Bar Community Choir is an initiative of the Victorian Bar Association's Health and Wellbeing Committee.

The choir meets during the school term on Thursdays 1:00 pm–2:00 pm at the Melbourne Welsh Church located at 320 La Trobe Street, Melbourne just a few minutes' walk from Flagstaff Station.

Members contribute a nominal fee to cover the cost of music and a professional choirmaster. The choir performs once or twice each term, often at the Essoign Club. Participants include members of the Victorian Bar Association and readers.

Here are 10 reasons to join:

  1. Tons of fun, no pressure, no experience necessary; no audition required.
  2. Improve your wellbeing: singing helps you relax, lowers blood pressure, lifts your spirits, soothes the soul, improves memory, builds camaraderie, helps you make new friends, improves your self-esteem, etc. Science shows that the positive effects on your brain will last for 3 DAYS every time you sing
  3. Learn new skills – it's like having a singing lesson.
  4. Sing familiar, fun music (For example, we're currently learning "The lion sleeps tonight")
  5. Think you're too busy? It's okay if you have to arrive late or leave early or if you can only come occasionally. Bring your lunch if you like.
  6. Do you feel socially isolated in your job? Make new friends in the choir! See your colleagues in a whole new light.
  7. It's okay if you don’t read music (For example, rehearsal audio files are provided so you can listen to them at home).
  8. Don’t be scared of the conductor's credentials. Our current choir master, Kathleen McGuire, is very friendly and adept at working with groups of people who have variable experience and talents.
  9. The choir's free app is a fantastic tool to use (it's basically a one-stop, interactive website).
  10. Try the choir before you buy! Come for a couple of weeks to see if you like it.

How to join

Simply show up at a practice (Thursdays 1:00 pm–2:00pm, Welsh Church) or email us.

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