Farewell to the Honourable Hartley Hansen as he steps down from Chair

Last night, the Honourable Hartley Hansen AM QC closed his last board meeting as Chair of the Victoria Law Foundation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Last night, the Honourable Hartley Hansen AM QC closed his last board meeting as Chair of Victoria Law Foundation. He will step down on 30 September after six years at the helm.

He has been a tireless advocate and purposeful leader of the Foundation through a time of significant change as we restructured to build a research function and maintain our commitment to education and grant-making.

Hartley’s rigour, absolute integrity and great warmth have been enormously valued by all staff, his fellow board members and the justice sector more broadly.

The team will miss his frequent visits to the office but trust he will remain a firm friend to the Foundation for many years to come.

Hartley will be succeeded as Chair by the Honourable Greg Garde AO RFD, who will take up the baton in October.

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Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.