Young people and employment problems
Find help for employment problems commonly affecting young people.

Young people's experience of employment problems
Research shows that young people enter work with differing levels of skills, expectations, and confidence to address problems, and may not identify issues with contracts, pay, harassment or health and safety as being legal in nature.
Our recent research in the Public Understanding of Law Survey (PULS) found that young people experienced the highest rate of employment problems.
Of the 11% of young people aged 18-24 who experienced employment problems,
- 50% experienced bullying/ harassment/ victimisation/ mistreatment at work
- 24% reported a problem concerning being sacked, made redundant or threatened with loss of employment
- 19% had a problem with not getting paid.
For more information about this issue read the PULS short paper.
Where to find help
If you want to better understand your rights, resolve an issue at work, or get legal advice, you can contact the following organisations.
Young Workers Centre
Young Workers Centre helps those who want to learn more about their rights at work or who need assistance in resolving workplace issues. They seek to empower young people working in Victoria with the knowledge and skills needed to end workplace exploitation and insecurity.
They have a lot of resources to assist young people to understand their rights, and provide personalised advice for those who have come across issues at work such as unfair dismissal, bullying and harassment.
Make an enquiry to the Young Workers Centre to speak with someone for legal information and advice
Visit the Young Workers Centre Website.
JobWatch is an independent, not-for-profit employment rights community legal centre supporting workers with their rights.
They provide a Telephone Information Service, a legal practice, and a variety of fact sheets outlining common workplace problems
Youthlaw Victoria
Youthlaw is a free statewide legal service for anyone aged 25 and under.
They can assist with issues related to debt, personal safety intervention orders, criminal charges and more. Their ‘resources for workers’ webpage is also a great starting point for knowing where to turn to regarding problems at work.
Visit the Youthlaw Victoria website.
Youthlaw Australia
Youth Law Australia provides free and confidential legal advice, assistance and referrals to young people and their advocates. Anyone under 25 (and their advocate) can request and receive free and confidential legal advice through their online service that is available 24/7.
Their website also has extensive information about a variety of employment problems.
Better understand and respond to legal need
Funding and support for new community legal initiatives to support better justice.
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Learn about the law
Events, information and resources to understand Victoria's legal system and where the law can help.