Legal Laneway Breakfast 2022

Our 2022 Legal Laneway Breakfast was once again held online.

May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
1:30 pm
3:30 pm

Event information


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Craig Foster AM
Former Socceroo, broadcaster, Adjunct Professor Sport & Social Responsibility and human rights activist
Hon. Jaclyn Symes
Attorney General of Victoria
Victorian Government
Victorian Government
Fiona McLeay
CEO and Commissioner
Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner
Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner
Lynne Haultain
Executive Director
Victoria Law Foundation
Victoria Law Foundation
Justice Greg Garde AO RFD
Victoria Law Foundation
Victoria Law Foundation

Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.