VLF announces 2018/19 General Grants

Victoria Law Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s General Grants.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Victoria Law Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s General Grants. The successful projects clearly help people identify and address their legal problems and aim to improve Victorians access to justice.

It was very difficult to choose from a raft of outstanding applications and we appreciate the effort in all of them.

Congratulations to the successful applicants! We wish them well in the delivery of their programs and look forward to hearing about the results.

Women's infringements and fines clinic

The Law and Advocacy Centre for Women - to run a clinic to help women navigate the requirements to have fines waived on grounds of special circumstances and family violence.

International student legal information project - Phase 2

Building on an existing project providing legal information to international students, Inner Melbourne Community Legal will produce a range of new resources to add to their suite.

Spotting civil legal issues: deadly videos and handbook

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service will produce a series of videos and a handbook to help Aboriginal people identify common civil legal issues, with info on how to contact the legal service for advice.

Building health justice for young people in the Central Highlands

Youthlaw is funded to extend their program which supports community workers in health services to better identify legal issues and refer young people to appropriate legal help.

Family Violence Project – Migrant and Refugee Communities

Refugee Legal will improve access to migration advice and legal assistance for women on visas experiencing family violence. Activities including the development of videos and community legal education aim to increase community awareness and referrals to the legal service.

Our grants are changing in 2019/2020

A new structure for our grants program will be introduced in 2019/20 reflecting our focus on civil law and research. More information will be communicated soon.

Please contact Melanie Rygl, Grants Manager on (03) 9604 8100 or email if you have any questions.

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Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.