Victoria's legal system

A new edition of Victoria's Legal System booklet now available.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

With so many people and organisations involved in Victoria’s legal sector, it can be overwhelming trying to keep track of how it all works, and which organisations do what.

If you want to find out more about how the Victorian legal system functions, take a look at our new edition of Victoria’s legal system.

This new edition of Victoria’s legal system was launched in May as part of the lead-up to Law Week. Victoria’s legal system is an easy-to-understand introduction to the legal system in Victoria. It is aimed at the general public and students, offering an overview of where laws come from, the different courts and tribunals as well as an overview of some of the players in the legal sector. This edition covers everything from the role of police and community legal centres, all the way to the High Court.

It also features some exciting changes. There are brand new sections explaining the role of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Children’s Koori Court, Koori Family Hearing Day and the Family Drug Treatment Court.

For those curious about the difference between barristers and solicitors or confused about which courts and tribunals different matters are heard in, Victoria’s legal system can help.

Click here for more information.

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