Victoria Law Foundation grants to prioritise bushfire affected regions

Support for people in bushfire affected regions of Victoria will be prioritised in this year’s grants for Law Week events.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Support for people in bushfire affected regions of Victoria will be prioritised in this year’s grants for Law Week events.

The Foundation will direct its small grant funding this year towards Law Week events that assist people affected by the bushfires understand the legal issues they might face in their recovery.

Small Grants help community legal organisations and not-for-profit community groups undertake projects that support communities to understand and/or address legal need.

Six grants of $2,500 are available and will support events such as legal health checks and info sessions, legal advice pop ups and more.

Applications need to meet the following criteria:

  • the event must take place during Law Week, 18-24 May 2020, and
  • increase community awareness and understanding of our legal system.

Applications will need to be submitted by 2 March 2020 for the 2020 Law Week program in May.

I’m considering applying for a grant. What should I do?

There are a few steps that you should take before lodging your application:

  1. Contact our Grants Manager Melanie Rygl to discuss your ideas.
  2. Read the grant guidelines and information on our website
  3. Watch our video on how to prepare your application.

Will you accept applications from other regions?

Yes, applications are open Victoria-wide, however we will prioritise events in bushfire affected regions.

For further information see our Small Grants.

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Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.