New website is just the ticket for public transport users

What is Confident Commuter? Video of What is Confident Commuter? A new website dedicated to helping pu...

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A new website dedicated to helping public transport users understand their rights is just the ticket for Victorians. On Thursday 22 February, Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project (RAP) launched Confident Commuter, a website that helps people understand their options when faced with ticket inspectors and a myki fine.

The user-friendly website helpfully outlines what you should say to ticket inspectors, how to apply for an internal review if you are fined, how to draft an internal review application and provides a concise explanation of the myki fine system.

Emma Buckley Lennox, RAP’s Deputy Chair, said Confident Commuter will prove valuable for Victorians in what can be confronting and often confusing situations.

‘We hope our new website will help commuters when they need it most: when they’re faced with a ticket inspector; when they’ve received a myki infringement notice in the mail; and when they’re curious about their rights and the myki fine system,’ she said.

In 2016 RAP advocated for the scrapping of on-the-spot penalties through the website. While the website instigated changes in the myki fine system, Ms Buckley Lennox said a lot of commuters are still confused about their options and rights – which is where Confident Commuter comes in.

For more information about Confident Commuter, visit

Confident Commuter was funded with a grant from Victoria Law Foundation. Our grants program funds projects that help Victorians understand the law. For more information about our grants program and the other projects we have supported, click here. The 2018/19 round of grant applications will open in the middle of 2018.

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