Law Week has wrapped up for another year!
Victorian Law Week has now come to a close and we are thrilled to wrap up an amazing program of events across the state.

Over 200 in-person, online, and on-demand events covered a range of topics that made learning about the law easy. We hope you found something valuable.
Congratulations to the Event Organisers who have helped Victorians understand their rights, find answers, and discover what help is available for legal problems.
There are recordings of many online events, so view the online program to catch up with anything you missed.
All across the state
It was great to see engagement across the regions, from Gippsland to Loddon Mallee, from Hume to Barwon South-West, and everywhere in between! With local libraries and Neighbourhood Houses bringing Law Week to the community.
Return to an in-person schools program
After a few years of remote learning, we were thrilled to be able to deliver an in-person program for students in Gippsland. With remote events still also available for students in other areas.
Engagement from the sector
So many from all parts of the legal sector turned up full of enthusiasm this Law Week. Whether it was running an event in the program or attending and showing support (or indeed having their own questions answered!)
Online, in-person, on demand
The program offered a broad range of options with events happening in many different locations and mediums. Allowing attendees to pop into their local Neighbourhood House to chat in person, tune-in online from the comfort of home, or watch on-demand at a time that suits them best.
There are plenty of recorded and on-demand sessions to see covering a breadth of topics, with more still to come!
Check out the on-demand section of our website, and stay tuned for more recordings being added over the coming weeks.
Thank you to all our generous partners for the support to make Law Week a success. Our sponsors Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner, Victoria Legal Aid, the Victorian Ombudsman, and the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety. Our supporters Deakin Law School, Law Institute of Victoria, and Victorian Bar. And our contributor, the Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria.
Victorian Law Week will be back in May 2024. If you have an event in mind, we'll be in touch later in the year with more details.
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