General Grants recipients announced

Congratulations to our General Grants recipients for 2015/16.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Congratulations to our General Grants recipients for 2015/16. We've awarded more than $170,000 to nine diverse legal education projects aimed at helping people better understand the law.

Here's a list of the recipient organisations and a brief summary of each project:

Law Week events

Building on an already successful Talking Justice Program, Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre will host a series of public presentations on topical law and justice issues.

Migrant Resource Centre North West Region will host a panel to discuss issues relating to young people and the law.

Barwon Community Legal Service will establish three pop-up shops offering community members free legal advice and assistance.

Victoria University will coordinate a program of community legal education activities at Sunshine Magistrates' Court.

Office of the Public Advocate will hold an information session to increase understanding around enduring powers of attorney for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Legal information projects

Supreme Court of Victoria has received funding to refresh its education program to be more engaging and interactive for VCE legal studies students.

Youthlaw will produce resources for youth workers and others working with young people about Victorian fail to disclose and protect laws.

Social Security Rights Victoria will produce five web-based fact-sheets on social security rights.

Anglicare Victoria's project will focus on improving legal literacy in Gippsland by informing the community about common legal issues.

More information

Melanie Rygl, Acting Grants Manager

Telephone: (03) 9604 8100


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