2022/23 Knowledge Grants awarded
We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Knowledge Grants.

We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Knowledge Grants.
The selected projects each show the potential to make an impact in the community and across the legal sector in developing a new understanding of the legal needs of Victorians.
We are proud to support these projects as they undertake new research to build knowledge to better understand and respond to community need.
Congratulations to our four successful applicants. We look forward to sharing their results.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a Knowledge Grant application. As always, we received more applications than we can fund.
We will offer Knowledge Grants again in 2022/23 and encourage you to apply.
Community Legal Grant applications will open next month, and Small Grants are still available. Please contact us on (03) 9604 8100 if you have a project idea.
Successful grant recipients
Limiting systems abuse if Guardians fail to protect
Monash Law Clinics will explore how future planning and guardianship laws might be used to identify family violence and improve safety for victims of family violence by restricting coercive behaviour by the perpetrator. The research concentrates on a specific form of family violence and will look at the role Health Justice Partnerships play in promoting preventative legal practices.
Barriers to participation when obtaining family violence intervention orders experienced by culturally and linguistically diverse women
Northern Community Legal Centre
Following the shift to routine digital engagement when applying to the court for family violence intervention orders, this partnership project between Northern Community Legal Centre and the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights will unpack the range of process issues and barriers to participation faced by culturally and linguistically diverse women within Melbourne’s North-West.
Financial Legal Problems - Who needs help and how can we provide earlier assistance
This project aims to improve the provision of targeted and timely legal help and information for Victorians with financial legal problems by investigating help-seeker data and conducting research with clients and referral partners to identify earlier opportunities for legal help that reduces financial legal problems escalating to court.
Intersections between child protection and criminal legal systems - understanding the unmet legal and other needs of criminalised women with child protection involvement
Law and Advocacy Centre for Women Ltd
The Law and Advocacy Centre for Women, in partnership with Elizabeth Morgan House and researchers from the University of Melbourne, seek to identify barriers and legal needs of women in custody to maintain contact with their children where child protection is involved. The project addresses the gaps in knowledge and data relating to the unmet legal and support needs for women who are in the criminal justice system, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and have child protection involvement.
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A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available
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