2020/21 Community Legal Grants awarded

Victoria Law Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Community Legal Grants.

Thursday, May 6, 2021
Two women speaking

Victoria Law Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Community Legal Grants. The projects will provide legal information directly to those who need it or to develop tools and resources designed to help Victorians navigate the legal system and get to the right information or service.

Congratulations to our six successful applicants. We look forward to sharing their results.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a Community Legal Grant application – we received many creative and worthwhile projects.

We will offer Community Legal Grants again in 2021/22. Please see our website for information about our Grants Program or contact the Foundation on (03) 9604 8100 to discuss your project ideas.

Our successful applicants are:

Barwon Community Legal Service

Law for Community Workers Pilot


This project will develop and pilot delivery of a practical e-learning program aimed at training non-legal professionals to identify legal issues and connect vulnerable clients to legal help. Resources developed will be available online and used in both facilitated workshops and self-paced learning.

Fitzroy Legal Service

Who's the boss? Video resources for people about to see a lawyer


Fitzroy Legal Service will develop a series of videos for people with cognitive disability about working with a lawyer. These will provide information and strategies to help them understand their rights and participate meaningfully in the lawyer/client relationship. The videos will be co-designed with people with lived experience.

Northern Community Legal Centre

The Teals Project (Technology-Enhanced Access to Legal Services)


Northern Community Legal Centre will develop a self-assessed triage tool that will assist people accessing the legal service to safely disclose the legal and non-legal issues they are experiencing. This information will be used to ensure those who are most in need receive legal help and that appropriate referrals are made to other services.

Peninsula Community Legal Centre

Strengthening legal pathways for CALD women


This project aims to help CALD women increase their legal literacy on family violence/law issues through community legal education tailored to their cultural and linguistic community. Through a co-design process with local community leaders and organisations, the project will facilitate trust-based relationships as a stepping stone to seeking legal assistance.

Seniors Rights Victoria at Council on the Aging Vic

Planning for your legal future - CALD video resources


Seniors Rights Victoria will translate a series of existing English language video resources into Arabic, Vietnamese and Hindi to better serve need from growing CALD communities. These videos are targeted towards people recently diagnosed with dementia and wanting to plan for their legal future.

Tenants Victoria

Hearing from Renters: Using digital tools to seek legal remedies


Tenants Victoria will produce a set of videos that discuss how people who can neither afford a lawyer or access public legal services use digital self-help resources to navigate tenancy legal issues and the relevant legal frameworks. The resources will be framed from the renter’s perspective to build their legal capability.

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A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available

The third report from the Public Understanding of Law Survey explores how attitudes, skills and confidence matter in satisfactorily resolving justiciable issues.